Tenable short and sweet Write Up
Points: 25
Jeopardy style CTF
Category: Code
Below is some code that reads integers from stdin and pases a list of them to a function named "AreNumbersEven". Implement the "AreNumbersEven" function.
def AreNumbersEven(numbers):
#impliment here
# Read space delimited integers from stdin and
# pass a list of them to AreNumbersEven()
numbers = raw_input()
integer_list = [int(i) for i in numbers.split(' ')]
even_odd_boolean_list = AreNumbersEven(integer_list)
print even_odd_boolean_list
This function takes a list of integers and returns a boolean list: True if number was even, and False if odd.
If implemented right, the attached code will print the answer returned from your function.
stdin example:
66 0 -47
stdout example:
[True, True, False]
You can ignore default code below and instead use code from attached file. Ensure not to print anything else during your code execution!*
Write Up:
This challenge was for python2. I just used mod and printed out the result.
def AreNumbersEven(numbers):
numList = []
for x in numbers:
numList.append(x %2 == 0)
return numList
# Read space delimited integers from stdin and
# pass a list of them to AreNumbersEven()
numbers = raw_input()
integer_list = [int(i) for i in numbers.split(' ')]
even_odd_boolean_list = AreNumbersEven(integer_list)
print(even_odd_boolean_list )